Customizing Racquets/Paddles

When customizing racquet or paddle, you will generally have target values for overall mass, balance point, swingweight, and possibly twistweight. Overall mass can be measured effectively with a scale that measures to the nearest gram or better. Balance can be measured with a balance board or with the Briffidi BP1 .

It’s possible to hit the target values by trial and error. If using this method, use some putty (clay, Blu-Tack, etc.) to add mass to the racquet and measure the results. When you reach the target, replace the putty with a suitable permanent mass.

The effect of adding mass can be accurately predicted with simple math. I have released the following Google Sheets that calculate these prediction. First, save a copy to your Google Drive, so you’re able to modify it. Then, as shown in the examples, input your measured values on the left side. Enter up to five different masses and locations. Predicted values will be shown on the right. Most column headings include notes with additional information. Until you are confident in the predictions, you may want to add the mass with putty and re-measure before adding permanent mass.

Briffidi Racquet Matching (File->Make a copy to edit)

Briffidi Paddle Matching (File->Make a copy to edit)

Matching Racquets/Paddles

When matching racquets, you are generally looking to add the least mass possible to achieve matching results. Measure all of the racquets and put the results into the Google Sheet linked above. Then, enter masses and locations by trial-and-error to achieve matching predicted results. Finally, apply the masses and verify the results.
